The Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP) hosted the Fifth Supervisory College of Ficohsa Financial Group. This meeting was intended to reinforce the exchange of information, allowing supervisors from four jurisdictions (including Panama) to have a clearer view of the banking group’s risk profile.
The Superintendent of Banks of Panama, Amauri A. Castillo, as host, provided the opening remarks of this meeting, where he indicated that “Supervisory Colleges enable identifying the improvement opportunities that could arise at the corporate level of international banking groups.” At the same time, he stressed that the SBP formally took over the home supervisor role of this regional financial group since 2013.
“One of the topics that generated a transcendental impact during the pandemic was the digital transformation that have permitted us to adapt ourselves to continue serving our customers,” said Camilo Alejandro Atala, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ficohsa Group, who recognized the support given by regional regulators during this process.
Ficohsa Financial Group was represented by directors, members of the Board of Directors and Top Management. The program included a presentation of the conclusions reached by the working groups previously held by the technical staff of the superintendencies, where the financial group has an operational presence, to measure the effects of the pandemic and its impact on the different subsidiaries.
The Fifth Supervisory College of Ficohsa Financial Group was attended by Erick Vargas,
Superintendent of Banks of Guatemala and his delegates; Leonidas Jiménez, Intendent of Banks of the Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions of Nicaragua and his delegates; José Adonis Lavaire and Evasio Asensio, Head Commissioners, and Evin Andrade, Superintendent of Banks and Other Financial Institutions of the National Banking and Insurance Commission of Honduras and their delegates; the management and technical team of the SBP.