
Banking Rules

Banking Rules 2024

Rule 2 (2024).
“Whereby Article 12 of Rule No. 8-2010, on Comprehensive Risk Management, is modified”
Rule 1 (2024).
Exception to prior authorization by the Superintendent for formalization with the Public Notary and filing with the Public Registry of Special Powers of Attorney granted by banks

Banking Rules 2023

Rule 5 (2023).
Establishment of Capital Conservation Buffers
Rule 4 (2023).
Whereby Article 10-A is added to Rule 7-2015, dated 9 June 2015
Rule 3 (2023).
Amendment to Article 37 of Rule 4-2013 on credit risk
Rule 2 (2023).
Addition of Article 3-A and Amendments to Articles 13 and 27 of Rule 5-2011 on Corporate Governance.
Rule 1 (2023).
Amendment of Article 2 of Rule 3-2016, whereby the rules for determining credit and counterparty risk-weighted assets are established.

Banking Rules 2022

Rule 13 (2022).
Whereby Article 3-A is added to Rule 1-2010 on integrity and accuracy of financial statements
Rule 12 (2022).
Whereby the parameters and guidelines are established for the permanent reinstatement of the Modified Special Mention portfolio to Rule 4-2013
Rule 11 (2022).
Whereby number 13 is added to Article 4 of Rule 8-2010 on Comprehensive Risk Management
Rule 10 (2022).
Whereby the basic criteria are established for the authorization and registration of legal entities engaging in the real estate financial leasing business in the Republic of Panama
Rule 9 (2022).
Whereby Article 11-A is added to Rule 1-2011 on transparency of information for using banking products and services
Rule 8 (2022).
Whereby Article 2 of Rule 3-2016, on credit and counterparty risk-weighted assets, is amended and other provisions are prescribed
Rule 7 (2022).
Whereby Article 41 (1)(d) of Rule 4-2013 is amended
Rule 6 (2022).
“Whereby Articles 13, 14, 15, and 16 of Rule 10-2015, on preventing the misuse of banking and trust services, are amended”
Rule 5 (2022).
Whereby Article 6 of Rule 6-2021, which establishes the parameters and guidelines for determining the provisions applicable to “Modified Special Mention” loans and other provisions are prescribed, is amended
Rule 4 (2022).
Whereby Article 31 of Rule 2-2018, which establishes the provisions on liquidity risk management and the short-term liquidity coverage ratio, is amended
Rule 3 (2022).
Whereby Article 2 of Rule 3-2016, which establishes the rules for determining credit and counterparty risk-weighted assets, is amended
Rule 2 (2022).
Whereby Article 15 of Rule 6-2011 is amended
Rule 1 (2022).
Whereby special guidelines for the protection of personal data processed by banks are established

Banking Rules 2021

Rule 6 (2021).
Whereby the parameters and guidelines for determining the provisions applicable to “Modified Special Mention” loans are established, and other provisions are prescribed.
Rule 5 (2021).
Whereby Article 5 of Rule 6-2011 dated is amended
Rule 4 (2021).
Whereby Article 2 is amended and Article 14-A is added to Rule 1-2004
Rule 3 (2021).
Whereby Article 7-A is added to Rule 2-2021, which provides the parameters and guidelines that will be applicable to modified loans
Rule 2 (2021).
Whereby the parameters and guidelines that will be applicable to modified loans are established
Rule 1 (2021).
Whereby Articles 5 and 7 of Rule 1-2015, which establishes the Rules for Capital Adequacy applicable to banks and banking groups, are amended

Banking Rules 2020

Rule 14 (2020).
Whereby Article 5 of Rule 2-2019 is amended
Rule 13 (2020).
Whereby Rule 2-2020 by means of which additional, exceptional and temporary measures to comply with the provisions of Rule 4-2013 on credit risk is amended and an additional period for financial relief measures is established
Rule 12 (2020).
Whereby Article 19 and Annexes 1 and 2 of Rule 4-2008 that prescribed new provisions to comply with the legal liquidity index are amended
Rule 11 (2020).
Whereby Article 2 of Rule 3-2016 that provides rules for determining credit and counterparty risk-weighted assets is amended
Rule 10 (2020).
Whereby Article 31 of Rule 2-2018 that establishes provisions on liquidity and short-term liquidity coverage ratio is amended
Rule 9 (2020).
Whereby Rule 2-2020, by means of which additional, exceptional and temporary measures to comply with the provisions of Rule 4-2013 on credit risk, is amended
Rule 8 (2020).
Whereby Articles 8 and 13 of Rule 3-2008, on the claim management procedure at the Superintendency, are amended.
Rule 7 (2020).
By means of which Article 4 of Rule 2-2020 that established additional, exceptional and temporary measures to comply with the provisions of Rule 4-2013 on credit risk, is amended.
Rule 6 (2020).
Whereby Rule 1-2016 on the ACH Settlement and fund availability is amended.
Rule 5 (2020).
Whereby Articles 39, 41 and 42 of Rule 4-2013 on Credit Risk Management inherent in Credit Portfolio and Off-balance Sheet Transactions are amended.
Rule 4 (2020).
Whereby Article 5 of Rule 2-2019 is amended
Rule 3 (2020).
Whereby Article 3 (7) of Rule 2-2020, by means of which additional, exceptional and temporary measures were established to comply with the provisions contained in Rule 4-2013 on credit risk, is amended
Rule 2 (2020).
Whereby additional, exceptional and temporary measures to comply with the provisions of Rule 4-2013 on credit risk are established
Rule 1 (2020).
By means of which the Technical Appendix of Rule 3-2018, which provides the capital requirements for financial instruments registered in the trading book, is amended.

Banking Rules 2019

Rule No. 14-2019.
By means of which Article 20 of Rule 4-2008 on the Legal Liquidity Index is amended
Rule No. 13-2019.
By means of which Article 3 of Rule 6-2018 is amended to update special services fees
Rule No. 12-2019.
Whereby provisions for the investment portfolio are prescribed
Rule No. 11-2019.
By means of which Article 27 of Rule 4-2013 prescribing provisions on management of the credit risk inherent in credit portfolio and off-balance sheet transactions is amended.
Rule No. 10-2019.
By means of which Article 8-A is added to Rule 6-2009 whereby the standards are stipulated for Risk Concentration Limits of Economic Groups and Related Parties
Rule No. 9-2019.
Whereby Article 2 of Rule 6-2012 on Technical Accounting Standards for banks established in Panama is amended
Rule No. 8-2019.
Whereby Article 11-A is added to Rule 5-2015 that updates Corporate Governance provisions.
Rule No. 7-2019.
Whereby Article 1 of Rule 5-2015 on the prevention of the misuse of services provided by other reporting entities under the supervision of the Superintendency of Banks is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule No. 6-2019.
Whereby Rule 3-2018, which provides capital requirements for financial instruments registered in the trading book, is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule No. 5-2019.
Whereby the guidelines for banks and trust companies providing alternative marketing channels for insurance policies are established.
Rule No. 4-2019.
Whereby Article 2 of Rule 6-2017 is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule No. 3-2019.
Whereby the Technical Appendix of Rule 11-2018 that prescribes new provisions on Operational Risk is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule No. 2-2019.
"Whereby Rule 10-2015 on Preventing the Misuse of Banking and Trust Services is amended". "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2019).
Red Flags Catalog for Detecting Operations related to the Financing of Terrorism.

Banking Rules 2018

Rule 13 (2018).
Whereby Rule 10-2015 is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 12 (2018).
Whereby Article 8 of Rule 9-2009 is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 11 (2018).
Whereby new provisions on Operational Risk are prescribed. This rule rescinds Rule 7-2011 and Rule 11-2014.
Rule 10 (2018).
Whereby Rule 4-2015 on the procedure for the registration of bearer shares custodians is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 9 (2018).
Which amends Article 2 and repeals Article 3 of Rule 4-2008. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 8 (2018).
Whereby Rule 10-2002 is rescinded. O.G. 28542 dated 7 June 2018.
Rule 7 (2018).
Whereby the provisions on country risk management are prescribed. This rule rescinds General Resolution 7-2000.
Rule 6 (2018).
Whereby the provisions for capital requirements for financial instruments registered in the trading book are established. This rule rescinds Rule 8-2003.
Rule 5 (2018).
That modifies Article 1 of Rule 9-2009 on Fixed-term and Domestic Savings Deposits. O.G. 28511 dated 24 April 2018. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 4 (2018).
Whereby Article 35 of Rule 2-2018 on liquidity risk management and the short-term liquidity coverage ratio is amended. "Compiled Rule"
Rule 3 (2018).
Whereby the provisions for capital requirements for financial instruments registered in the trading book are established.
Rule 2 (2018).
Whereby the provisions on liquidity risk management and the liquidity coverage ratio are established. Amended by Rule 4-2018. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2018).
Whereby the regulations on interbank deposits are established and other activities international license banks can conduct are regulated. This rule rescinds Rule 5-2012 and Rule 3-2014.

Banking Rules 2017

Rule 11 (2017).
Whereby the guidelines for Derivatives Operations are established
Rule 10 (2017).
Whereby Rule 4-2014 on the applicable criteria for imposing penalties due to the late submission of information required by the Superintendency of Banks is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 9 (2017).
Whereby Article 4 of Rule 8-2010 is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 8 (2017).
Whereby Article 1 of Rule 5-2015 on preventing the misuse of services provided by other regulated entities under the supervision of the Superintendency of Banks is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 7 (2017).
Whereby Article 10 of Rule 1-2014 providing the rules for the standardization of personal and commercial checks in Panama is amended. "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 1-2014.
Rule 6 (2017).
Whereby new provisions on shared banking are provided. This rule rescinds Rule 7-2010 dated 30 November 2010.
Rule 5 (2017).
Whereby Article 6 of Rule 5-2009 developing Article 215 of the Banking Law on Inactive Assets is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 4 (2017).
Whereby Article 5 of Rule 2-2017 updating Wire Transfer provisions is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 3 (2017).
Whereby Article 15-A is added to Rule 9-2015 that establishes the Punitive Administrative Proceedings for potential violations of the provisions for the Prevention of Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 2 (2017).
Whereby the provisions on Wire Transfer are updated. This rule rescinds Rule 2-2005. Amended by Rule 4-2017. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2017).
Whereby Rule 10-2015 to prevent the misuse of banking and trust services is amended. "Compiled Rule".

Banking Rules 2016

Rule 8 (2016).
Whereby Rule 3-2016 on the rules for determining credit and counterparty risk-weighted assets is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 7 (2016).
Whereby guidelines are established for the prevention of money laundering, the financing of terrorism, and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction that may arise from cross-border correspondent banking relationships provided by correspondent banks in the Panamanian market
Rule 6 (2016).
Whereby guidelines for managing risks related to the prevention of money laundering, the financing of terrorism, and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction that may arise due to new products and technologies are established
Rule 5 (2016).
Whereby Article 8 of Rule 6-2009, which provides the standards for Risk Concentration Limits for Economic Groups and Related Parties, is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 4 (2016).
Whereby Rule 4-2011 on the rules for the collection of certain fees and surcharges applied by banks is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 3 (2016).
Whereby the rules for determining credit and counterparty risk-weighted assets are established. See Circular 58-2016. Amended by Rule 8-2016. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 2 (2016).
Whereby Article 33-A is added to Rule 7-2014, which establishes standards for the "consolidated supervision of banking groups". "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2016).
Whereby the general guidelines on ACH settlement and funds availability are established

Banking Rules 2015

Rule 13 (2015).
Whereby Article 21 of Rule 1-2015, which establishes the Rules for Capital Adequacy applicable to Banks and Banking Groups, is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 12 (2015).
Punitive administrative proceedings to be conducted by the Superintendency of Banks for those processes without a special administrative proceeding
Rule 11 (2015).
Whereby Article 3 of Rule 2-2012 on Nonbanking Correspondents is amended.
Rule 9 (2015).
Punitive Administrative Proceedings for potential violations of the provisions for the Prevention of Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and Financing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction applicable to Regulated Entities. Amended by Rule 3-2017. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 8 (2015).
Whereby Article 10 of Rule 1-2014, which provides rules for the standardization of personal and commercial checks in Panama, is amended. (Amended by Rule 7-2017). "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 1-2014.
Rule 7 (2015).
Warning signs catalog for the detection of suspicious transactions related to Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and Financing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. This rule rescinded Special Rule 12-2005-E dated 14 December 2005. See Board of Directors’ General Resolution SBP-GJD-0003-2015.
Rule 6 (2015).
Whereby Article 17 of Rule 4-2008 dated 24 July 2008 is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 5 (2015).
Prevention of the misuse of services provided by other regulated entities under the supervision of the Superintendency of Banks. See Board of Directors’ General Resolution SBP-GJD-0003-2015. See Circulars 167-2015, 168-2015, 169-2015, 177-2015, 178-2015, 179-2015 and 194-2015. Amended by Rule 8-2017. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 4 (2015).
Whereby the procedure for registering the custodians of bearer shares is established. (Amended by Rule 10-2018). See Circulars 151-2015, 152-2015, 153-2015, 154-2015 and 155-2015. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 3 (2015).
Whereby Articles 9 and 14 of Rule 4-2010 on External Auditing of Banks are amended. "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 4-2010.
Rule 2 (2015).
Whereby Article 2 of Rule 6-2014, which added Article 5-A to Rule 7-2005 on Check Clearing and Funds Availability, is amended. "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 6-2014.
Rule 1 (2015).
Whereby Rules for Capital Adequacy applicable to banks and banking groups are established. This rule rescinded Rule 3-1999 and Rule 5-2008 as of 1 January 2016. (Amended by Rule 13-2015) "Compiled Rule". See Circulars 58-2016 and 133-2016.

Banking Rules 2014

Rule 11 (2014).
Whereby Article 24 and Article 28 of Rule 7-2011 are rescinded and amended, respectively. "Compiled Rule". Rescinded Rule 2-2013 dated 29 January 2013. Rescinded by Rule 11 (2018).
Rule 10 (2014).
Whereby Article 10 and Appendixes I and II of Rule 1-2014, on the rules for the standardization of personal and commercial checks in Panama, are amended. (Amended by Rule 8-2015 and Rule 7-2017. "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 1-2014.
Rule 9 (2014).
Whereby Articles 15 and 24 of Rule 6-2011 are amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 8 (2014).
Whereby Articles 9, 11, 18, 30 and 41 of Rule 4-2013 are amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 7 (2014).
Whereby Standards for the Consolidated Supervision of Banking Groups are provided. Amended by Rule 2-2016. "Compiled Rule". See Circular 200-2015.
Rule 6 (2014).
Whereby Article 5-A is added to Rule 7-2005 on Check Clearing and Funds Availability. "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 7-2005.
Rule 5 (2014).
Whereby subparagraph 7, paragraph d or Article 2 or Rule 5-2011 on Corporate Governance is amended. "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 5-2011. See Resolution SBP-JD-0036-2012.
Rule 4 (2014).
Whereby the criteria for imposing sanctions due to the late submission of information required by the Superintendency is updated. This rule rescinds Rule 12-2002. Amended by Rule 10-2017 dated 21 November 2017. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 3 (2014).
Whereby Article 3 of Rule 5-2012 is amended. "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 5-2012. Rescinded by Rule 1-2018 dated 23 January 2018.
Rule 2 (2014).
Whereby Article 3 of Rule 5-2009 is amended. "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 5-2009.
Rule 1 (2014).
Whereby the Rules for the Standardization of Personal and Commercial Checks in Panama are provided. (Amended by Rule 10-2014, Rule 8-2015 and Rule 7-2017). "Compiled Rule". See Circular 051-2016.

Banking Rules 2013

Rule 5 (2013).
Whereby Article 1 of Rule 6-2009 is amended. This Rule amends Rule 6-2009. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 4 (2013).
Whereby provisions on credit risk management inherent in credit portfolio and off-balance sheet transactions are established. This rule rescinded Rule 6-2000, Rule 6-2002 and Article 7 of Rule 2-2003. Amended by Rule 8-2014. "Compiled Rule". See Circulars 30-2001, 92-2014, 165-2014, 166-2014 and 51-2017.
Rule 3 (2013).
Whereby Article 3 of Rule 5-2009 is amended. "Compiled Rule". Refer to Rule 5-2009.
Rule 2 (2013).
Whereby Article 28 of Rule 7-2011 is amended. This rule was rescinded by Rule 11-2014 dated 14 October 2014. See Resolution SBP-RG-0001-2013.
Rule 1 (2013).
Whereby the rules for simplified process accounts are established. See Circular 50-2013.

Banking Rules 2012

Rule 6 (2012).
Whereby a new Rule amending the provisions on the application of technical accounting standards for banks established in Panama is issued. This Rule rescinds Rule 4-1999. See Circulars 160-2015, 75-2016 and 51-2017.
Rule 5 (2012).
Whereby the regulations on interbank deposits are compiled and updated and other activities that could be carried out by international license banks are regulated. As of its promulgation, this Rule rescinds Rule 6-74 and Rule 2-78 as of its promulgation. Amended by Rule 3-2014. "Compiled Rule". Rescinded by Rule 1-2018 dated 23 January 2018.
Rule 4 (2012).
Whereby Article 11 of Rule 5-2011 is amended. O.G. 27063 dated 25 June 2012. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 3 (2012).
Whereby the Guidelines for Managing Information Technology Risks are provided. See Circular 22-2008.
Rule 2 (2012).
Whereby contracting Nonbanking Correspondents for the provision of certain services on behalf of Banks is regulated. Amended by Rule 11-2015 dated 18 August 2015. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2012).
Whereby Rule 1-2007 is amended. "Compiled Rule".

Banking Rules 2011

Rule 7 (2011).
Whereby the rules on Operational Risk are established. Amended by Rule 11-2014. "Compiled Rule". See Resolution SBP-RG-0001-2013. See Circular 11-2013. Rescinded by Rule 11 (2018).
Rule 6 (2011).
Whereby the guidelines on E-banking and Related Risk Management are established. This Rule rescinds Rule 5-2003, as of 10 September 2012. Amended by Rule 9 (2014). "Compiled Rule". See Circulars 63-2010, 16-2011, 18-2014, 44-2014, 117-2014, 121-2014, 132-2015 and 102-2016.
Rule 5 (2011).
Whereby a new Rule updating Corporate Governance provisions was issued. As of 1 January 2012, this Rule rescinds Rule 4-2001. Amended by Rule 4-2012. Amended by Rule 5-2014. "Compiled Rule". See Resolution SBP-JD-0036-2012. See Circulars 86-2012, 87-2013 and 81-2016.
Rule 4 (2011).
Whereby the rules for the collection of certain fees and surcharges applied by Banks are provided. (Amended by Rule 4-2016, as of 1 August 2016). "Compiled Rule".
Rule 3 (2011).
Whereby the enforcement of Rule 1-2001 dated 4 January 2011 about Transparency of Information is extended to 1 August 2011. O.G. 26751 dated 28 March 2011. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 2 (2011).
Whereby Article 10 of Rule 4-2008 is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2011).
Whereby the guidelines for transparency of information for using banking products and services are provided. See Circular 42-2011.

Banking Rules 2010

Rule 9 (2010).
Whereby article 8 of Rule 4-2010. (Amended by Rule 3-2015). "Compiled Rule".
Rule 8 (2010).
Whereby the provisions on Comprehensive Risk Management are provided. Amended by Rule 9-2017 dated 7 November 2017. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 7 (2010).
Whereby the provisions of Joint Banking are updated. This Rule rescinds Rule 7-2002. This rule was rescinded by Rule 6-2017 dated 4 July 2017.
Rule 6 (2010).
Whereby Article 4 of Rule 2-2010 is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 5 (2010).
Whereby the term "Bank Examinations" of article 66 of Banking Law is further developed. See General Resolution 1-2010 and General Resolution SBP-RG-001-2017.
Rule 4 (2010).
Whereby the provisions on External Audits to Banks are updated. This Rule rescinds Rule 1-2002 and Rule 6-2005. (Amended by Rule 9-2010). (Amended by Rule 3-2015). "Compiled Rule". See Circulars 41-2011, 9-2013 and 129-2013.
Rule 3 (2010).
By means of which Article 3 of Rule 9-2009 is modified. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 2 (2010).
By means of which provisions regarding Banks Ratings are issued. This Rule rescinds Rule 11-2005. (Amended by Rule 6-2010). "Compiled Rule". See Circulars 25-2010 and 42-2011.
Rule 1 (2010).
By means of which the guidelines about integrity and accuracy of the information contained in the Financial Statements are established. See Circular 081-2016.

Banking Rules 2009

Rule 10 (2009).
Whereby Rule 4-2008 on the legal liquidity index is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 9 (2009).
By means of which the provisions on Time Deposits and Local Savings Deposits are compiled, adjusted and updated. This Rule rescinds Rule 4-2000 and Rule 10-2005. (Amended by Rule 3-2010, Rule 5-2018 and Rule 12-2018). "Compiled Rule".
Rule 8 (2009).
By means of which Rule 2-2008 dated 3 July 2008 on Valuation of Guarantees for the Coverage of Credit Risk is left without effect.
Rule 7 (2009).
Which modifies Article 6 of Rule 7-2005 on Check Clearing and Fund Availability. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 6 (2009).
Whereby the standards are stipulated for Risk Concentration Limits to Economic Groups and Related Parties. This Rule rescinds Rule 1-1999, Rule 2-1999, Rule 7-1999, Rule 8-1999, Rule 9-1999 and Rule 10-1999 and all their amendments. (Amended by Rule 5-2013). "Compiled Rule". See Circulars 15-2004 and 15-2010.
Rule 5 (2009).
Which develops Article 215 of the Banking Law on Inactive Assets. This Rule rescinds Rule 3-2005. This rule was amended by Rule 3-2013, Rule 2-2014, Rule 5-2017. "Compiled Rule". See General Resolution 3-2009 and Resolution SBP-GJD-5-2014. See Circulars 23-2010, 39-2004, 54-2012 and 59-2013.
Rule 4 (2009).
By means of which Article 4 of Rule 5-2008 dated 1 October 2008 is modified. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 3 (2009).
By means of which the provisions on Transfer of Acquired Real Estate are updated. This Rule rescinds Rule 1-2000, Rule 8-2002, Rule 4-2005, and Rule 3-2006.
Rule 2 (2009).
By means of which enactment of Rule 5-2008 dated 1 October 2008 is extended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2009).
By means of which is left without any effect Rule 8-2008 dated 31 October 2008.

Banking Rules 2008

Rule 9 (2008).
Whereby Article 17 of Rule 4-2008 dated 24 July 2008 is modified. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 8 (2008).
Temporary measures are adopted as consequence of the international financial situation. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 1-2009.
Rule 7 (2008).
Which modifies Articles 15, 16 and 17 of Rule 1-2006, which itself is modified by Rule 4-2006, on the Asset Liquidation. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 6 (2008).
Whereby Article 11 of Rule 2-2008 dated 3 July 2008 is modified and the date when it goes into effect is postponed.
Rule 5 (2008).
Whereby capital standards for credit risk applicable to banks are established. This Rule rescinds Rule 5-1998 and Rule 6-1998. (Amended by Rule 2-2009 and Rule 4-2009). "Compiled Rule". This rule will be rescinded by Rule 1-2015, as of 1 July 2016.
Rule 4 (2008).
Whereby new provisions on the legal liquidity index compliance are stipulated. This Rule rescinds Rule 9-2006. (Amended by Rule 9-2008, Rule 10-2009, Rule 2-2011, Rule 6-2015 and Rule 9-2018). "Compiled Rule". See Resolution SBP-GJD-0003-2014. See Circulars 16-2008, 10-2010, 112-2012, 78-2013, 9-2014, 86-2015 and 86-2016).
Rule 3 (2008).
Whereby the procedure is stipulated for filing claims before the Superintendency. See Circular 20-2010.
Rule 2 (2008).
Whereby the general parameters for the assessment of credit risk securities coverage are established. (Amended by Rule 6-2008 and rescinded by Rule 8-2009).
Rule 1 (2008).
On the Claims Attention System in Banking Entities. See Circular 42-2008.

Banking Rules 2007

Rule 1 (2007).
Whereby minimum security standards are stipulated for banking entities. (Amended by Rule 1-2012). "Compiled Rule". See Circular 14-2008.

Banking Rules 2006

Rule 9 (2006).
Whereby new provisions for meeting the legal liquidity index are provided. This Rule rescinds Rule 2-2000 and Rule 5-2000. (This Rule was rescinded by Rule 4-2008).
Rule 8 (2006).
Whereby Rule 12-2005 on the prevention for the misuse of banking and trust services is amended. This rule was rescinded by Rule 10-2015 dated 27 July 2015.
Rule 7 (2006).
Whereby the obligation of banks to submitting client’s credit information is established. See Circular 40-2007.
Rule 6 (2006).
Whereby Rule 6-1998 on capital adequacy is amended. (This Rule was rescinded by Rule 5-2008).
Rule 5 (2006).
Whereby Rule 5-1998 on the capital adequacy index is amended.
Rule 4 (2006).
Rule 1-2006 on assets liquidation is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 3 (2006).
Whereby Rule 1-2000 on the embargo of real estate acquired as compensation of pending credit is amended. This Rule rescinds Rule 4-2005. (This Rule was rescinded by Rule 3-2009).
Rule 2 (2006).
Whereby Rule 3-2001 on banking licenses is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2006).
Whereby paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 129 of Decree Law 9 of 1998 are further developed. (This Rule was amended by Rule 4-2006 and Rule 7-2008). "Compiled Rule".

Banking Rules 2005

Rule 12 E (2005).
Whereby a Guide with examples of Suspicious Operations is provided. This rule was rescinded by Rule 7-2015 dated 9 June 2015.
Rule 12 (2005).
Prevention on the misuse of banking and trust services. This rule was rescinded by Rule 10-2015 dated 27 July 2015.
Rule 11 (2005).
Whereby the general criteria for banking ratings are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 2-2010.
Rule 10 (2005).
Whereby the amounts and terms for special savings deposits are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 9-2009.
Rule 9 (2005).
Whereby Outsourcing is further developed. See Circulars 64-2006 and 51-2016.
Rule 8 (2005).
Whereby article 85 of Decree Law 9 of 1998 on banking confidentiality is further developed.
Rule 7 (2005).
Whereby general parameters for check compensation and fund availability are established. (This Rule was amended by Rule 7-2009, Rule 6-2014 and Rule 2-2015). "Compiled Rule". See Circular 12-2015.
Rule 6 (2005).
Whereby Rule 1-2002 on external auditor rotation is amended. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 4-2010.
Rule 5 (2005).
Whereby the term for the notification of judicial process to the Superintendency of Banks is regulated.
Rule 4 (2005).
Whereby Rule 1-2000 on the embargo of real estate is amended. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 3-2006 and Rule 3-2009.
Rule 3 (2005).
Whereby inactive assets are regulated. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 5-2009.
Rule 2 (2005).
Whereby the parameters for wire transfers are established. See Circular 106-2015. This rule was rescinded by Rule 2-2017.
Rule 1 (2005).
Whereby Rule 1-98 on the banking assessment fee was amended. "Compiled Rule".

Banking Rules 2004

Rule 2 (2004).
Whereby buying and selling portfolio and/or transfer of deposits is regulated.
Rule 1 (2004).
Whereby Rule 10-2003 on Mergers and Acquisitions is rescinded.

Banking Rules 2003

Rule 10 (2003).
Whereby Mergers and Acquisitions are regulated. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 1-2004.
Rule 9 (2003).
Whereby Rule 6-98 on capital adequacy index was amended. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 5-2008.
Rule 8 (2003).
Whereby special services fees requested to the Superintendency of Banks are fixed (Art. 20 of Decree Law 9 of 1998). See Circular 63-2008. Rescinded by Rule 6-2018 dated 3 May 2018.
Rule 7 (2003).
Whereby basic guidelines for Credit Cards are established. See Circular 21-2010.
Rule 6 (2003).
Whereby Rule 2-2003 on microfinance banks is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 5 (2003).
Whereby e-banking provisions are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 6-2001 as of 10 September 2012.
Rule 4 (2003).
Whereby Rule 6-2000 on loan portfolio classification is amended. This rule will be rescinded by Rule 4-2013 as of 30 June 2014.
Rule 3 (2003).
Whereby Rule 2-2002 on the limits of equity investment in corporations unrelated to the banking business is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 2 (2003).
Whereby microfinance banks are regulated. (Amended by Rule 6-2003). Article 7 will be rescinded by Rule 4-2013 as of 30 June 2014). "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2003).
Whereby prudent and adequate controls for operations with Related Parties are established.

Banking Rules 2002

Rule 12 (2002).
Whereby Progressive fines due to delays in filing reports, atoms and other documents are established. This Rule rescinds Rule 2-1998. Rescinded by Rule 4-2014.
Rule 11 (2002).
Whereby the misuse of baking services is regulated. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 12-2005.
Rule 10 (2002).
Whereby the procedure to handle claims and/or complaints from banking services users are established. This Rule rescinds Rule 6-2001. Rescinded by Rule 8-2018 dated 31 May 2018.
Rule 9 (2002).
Whereby closing accounts is regulated. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 11-2002.
Rule 8 (2002).
Whereby Rule 1-2000 on Awarded Real Estate is amended. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 3-2009.
Rule 7(2002).
Whereby joint banking provisions are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 7-2010.
Rule 6 (2002).
Whereby off-balance operations classification is regulated. This rule will be rescinded by Rule 4-2013 as of 30 June 2014.
Rule 5 (2002).
Whereby Rule 6-2000 on loan portfolio classification and Rule 7-2000 on investment portfolio classification are amended. "Compiled Rule 1". "Compiled Rule 2".
Rule 4 (2002).
Whereby opening cross-border establishments of Panamanian banks is regulated.
Rule 3(2002).
Whereby the methodology for the effective interest rate calculation is adopted.
Rule 2(2002).
Whereby investment limit in unrelated corporations to banking is established. (Amended by Rule 3-2003). "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1(2002).
Whereby external auditing to banks is regulated. (This Rule was amended by Rule 6-2005). Rescinded by Rule 4-2010. O.G. 24507 dated 8 March 2002. External Auditor Forms.

Banking Rules 2001

Rule 6 (2001).
Whereby the procedure to handle claims and/or complaints filed by banking services users is established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 10-2002.
Rule 5 (2001).
Whereby market risk is regulated. See Circular 58-2008.
Rule 4 (2001).
Whereby corporate governance provisions are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 5-2011. (Amended by Rule 2-2006).
Rule 3 (2001).
Whereby basic criteria for general license, international license and representation license applications are established. (Amended by Rule 2-2006). "Compiled Rule".
Rule 2 (2001).
Whereby Rule 1-1998 on banking supervisory and regulatory assessment fee is amended. "Compiled Rule".
Rule 1 (2001).
Whereby Rule 7-2000 on investment credit portfolio is amended. "Compiled Rule".

Banking Rules 2000

Rule 10 (2000).
Whereby the provisions on compliance program and compliance officer are updated. This Rule rescinds Rule 8-2000. (See Circulars 19-2004, 36-2004, 37-2005, 41-2007 and 7-2010).
Rule 9 (2000).
Whereby the prevention on the misuse of banking services is regulated. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 12-2005. (Amended by Rule 11-2002).
Rule 8 (2000).
Whereby the provisions on compliance officer are provided. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 10-2000.
Rule 7 (2000).
Whereby the investment portfolio classification is regulated. (This Rule was amended by Rule 1-2001 and Rule 5-2002). "Compiled Rule". See Circular 89-2011.
Rule 6 (2000).
Whereby the loan portfolio classification is regulated. (This Rule was amended by Rule 4-2003 and Rule 5-2002). Will be rescinded by Rule 4-2013 as of 30 June 2014. See Resolution SBP-GJD-0002-2014.
Rule 5 (2000).
Whereby Rule 2-2000 on the legal liquidity index is amended. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 9-2006.
Rule 4 (2000).
Whereby an exception to the restriction of advance withdrawal of time deposits is established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 9-2009.
Rule 3 (2000).
Whereby the payment of the annual basic charge for the provision of US Dollars to International License Banks is eliminated.
Rule 2 (2000).
Whereby the legal liquidity index is regulated. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 9-2006. (Amended by Rule 5-2000).
Rule 1 (2000).
Whereby the term for removal from Bank’s accounts of real estate acquired in compensation of unpaid loans is provided. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 3-2009. (Amended by Rule 8-2002, Rule 4-2005 and Rule 3-2006).

Banking Rules 1999

Rule 10 (1999).
Whereby limits to general risk concentration on related parties are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 6-2009.
Rule 9 (1999).
Whereby limits to general concentration of individual risk are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 6-2009.
Rule 8 (1999).
Whereby limits to debt securities investment of related parties are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 6-2009.
Rule 7(1999).
Whereby individual limits to debt securities investment are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 6-2009.
Rule 6 (1999).
Whereby Rule 6-1998 on capital adequacy index for International License Banks is amended. Rule 6-1998 was rescinded by Rule 5-2008.
Rule 5 (1999).
Whereby Rule 5-1998 on capital adequacy index for General License Banks is amended. Rule 5-1998 was rescinded by Rule 5-2008.
Rule 4 (1999).
Whereby technical accounting standards (IAS and US-GAAP) and auditing standards (NIAF and FAS) are established. This Rule rescinds Rule 3-98. Rescinded by Rule 6-2012.
Rule 3(1999).
Whereby consolidated supervision of banking economic group and capital adequacy index are regulated. O.G. 23829 dated 30 June 1999. This rule will be rescinded by Rule 1-2015, as of 1 July 2016.
Rule 2(1999).
Whereby credit limits to related parties are regulated. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 6-2009.
Rule 1(1999).
Whereby individual credit limits are regulated. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 6-2009.

Banking Rules 1998

Rule 6 (1998).
Whereby capital adequacy index for international license banks is established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 5-2008. (Amended by Rule 6-99, Rule 9-2003 and Rule 6-2006).
Rule 5 (1998).
Whereby capital adequacy index for general license banks are established. This Rule was rescinded by Rule 5-2008. (Amended by Rule 5-99 and Rule 5-2006).
Rule 4 (1998).
Whereby the framework for agreements or understandings with foreign supervisory bodies is regulated.
Rule 3(1998).
Adoption of International Accounting Standards (IAS). This Rule was replaced by Rule 4-99.
Rule 2(1998).
Progressive fines due to delays in filing reports, atoms and other documents are established. This rule was rescinded by Rule 12-2002.
Rule 1(1998).
Whereby the banking supervisory and regulatory assessment fee is regulated. (This rule was amended by Rule 2-2001 and Rule 1-2005). "Compiled Rule".