With the participation of 450 people, the Superintendency of Banks of Panama and Tu Balboa con Sentido program (TBCS, for its acronym in Spanish) held different activities to celebrate World Savings Day established on October 31.
The TBCS program is one of the key projects of the initiative to implement the National Strategy for Financial Education (NSFE).
Framed within the World Savings Day celebrations, representatives of public and private institutions members of the NSFE used webinars, plays and storytellers to raise people’s awareness on the importance of saving. The main attraction of this day was the Reels Contest #TuAhorroChallenge2021.
Webinars on different topics, such as: Discovering Money; Family Budget; Achieving Saving Goals; Financial Health; Importance of Insurance and Savings for Retirement; Savings and Financial Plan, among others, were provided to the public.
Through the Reels Contest #TuAhorroChallenge2021, creativity was promoted and young and old were encouraged to make of the habit of savings a very important value to achieve personal goals and objectives and to strengthen good financial management.
The winners, who were chosen by the quantity of Likes, were awarded with a Lenovo Tablet for the first place and Vale Panamá coupon books for USD 150.00 and USD 100.00 for the second and third place, respectively.
Through the website www.tubalboaconsentido.gob.pa and its social networks on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, NSFE representatives have been promoting financial education to the Panamanian people.