In accordance with the vision of the National Strategy for Financial Education (NSFE) to ensure that the Panamanian people manages their economic resources in a responsible manner, to improve their quality of life and their environment, the Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP), in alliance with the Ministry of Social Welfare (MIDES), has formally started activities with various sectors of society, with a conference organized for a group of female entrepreneurs from the Piratí Emberá community in Chepo, who on Saturday, October 16, participated in the Workshop on Income and Expenditure Control.
With this first workshop, the Minister of Social Welfare, María Inés Castillo, and the Superintendent of Banks, Amauri A. Castillo, officially launched the Financial Education Conference addressed to the Beneficiaries of the Territorial Networks Project: Productive Inclusion in this community.
The Superintendency of Banks, with the support of the Sparkassenstiftung Alemana Latinoamérica y el Caribe, is responsible for leading the initiative to implement the National Strategy for Financial Education.
Superintendent Castillo took the opportunity to explain to female entrepreneurs in the community the importance of avoiding over-indebtedness, knowing and understanding basic financial concepts, understanding the importance of saving and making it a habit, as well as to have a fund for emergencies or unforeseen events. In turn, Mr. Castillo thanked the Minister of Social Welfare for the invitation to join in this effort to bring this financial education program to the population, as a tool that seeks to facilitate the poverty and inequality eradication in the country.