Under the theme “Finance for Life: Strategies for a Sustainable Financial Future,” Kathy de Guardia, Director of International Projects and Affairs at the SBP, served as the guest speaker during the monthly update meeting hosted by the National Human Resources Association (ANREH, for its acronym in Spanish).
During her presentation, Ms. de Guardia emphasized that the SBP strongly believes that Financial Education is crucial for the economic and social development of the Panamanian people and it is a collective responsibility. She expressed that the financial well-being of individuals drives both individual and collective productivity. Therefore, Human Resources leaders must actively promote it.
She also mentioned the “Tu Balboa con Sentido” portal, which is open to the public. The portal’s aim is to enhance financial literacy in our country and provide people with basic and practical knowledge about banking products and services. It facilitates access to the formal financial system while removing barriers that might discourage people from engaging with formal financial entities.
Ms. De Guardia proposed incorporating the free virtual Financial Education course titled “Better decisions starting today” into the training plans of ANREH and the companies associated with the organization.