As part of the implementation of the National Strategy for Financial Education (NSFE), led by the Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP), along with the German Sparkassenstiftung for Latin America and the Caribbean, the virtual training sessions entitled “Train of Trainers (ToT)” began, with the participation of the team of volunteer facilitators of social programs of the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES, for its acronym in Spanish).
The main objective of these training sessions is to create a team of volunteer facilitators from the different institutions member of the NSFE working group who will support the dissemination of financial education, to reach more people domestically, strengthening the internal capacities of partner institutions in the field of facilitation.
In addition to developing the skillset of participants, these training sessions will allow them to facilitate group learning, in teaching-learning processes, and train facilitators with great work ethics, who are aware of their responsibility and become agents of change.
This program includes 10 hours of training, where complementary financial education topics will be addressed, such as: “savings and financial plan,” “me and my business,” “family budget,” and “the good use of credit.” Participants will receive a Trainer Certificate, after a real evaluation.
With this initiative, it will be possible to guarantee that financial education reaches more Panamanians, and is inclusive, equitable and of quality, in addition to promoting learning to boost economic and sustainable growth, besides to reinforcing the task of raising the financial culture of the population, which will result in a better financial performance of individuals and the country.
The project is framed within the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as SDG 3: Healthcare and well-being; SDG 4: Quality education; SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, among others; the German Savings Banks Foundation will be in charge of financing the printing of a part of the support materials.